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HJC CL-SP Motorcycle Helmet

by Asha

HJC CL-SP motorcycle helmets

HJC CL-SP motorcycle helmets

The brand name of my motorcycle helmet is HJC and the model name is CL-SP Type-O. It has many features like exhaust, air vents, removes dampness and heat from the head, etc. It is scratch-proof.
Helmets also provide air circulation, intercom, protection to the face and ear, etc. Helmets have chin straps which help to tighten them to the head.

I own a helmet which is very comfortable to wear for even longer period of time. It is a full face helmet which is made of polycarbonate material. It weighs 1.5 Kg. The eye port is larger and offers greater visibility while driving my vehicle.
I like it very much because when I am wearing it, I feel very comfortable with good visibility, sleek features and reduced amount of sweating. Anti-fog system is also present in the helmet.
It minimizes the sound of wind. It has a nylon chin strap and keeps the extra chin strap carefully wrapped up. It is of very good quality and has been with me for a long time.

The helmet offers great value for my money because of the safety features it provides. I use the helmet when I ride my motorcycle to school, recreation club, park, hotel, etc. I also utilize it whenever I play sports at the play ground. A soft helmet bag is also provided for storage purpose. I am sure every helmet lover would admire this helmet which has all features and offers no scope for improvement.

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Oct 26, 2015
Nice NEW
by: Anonymous

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Nov 24, 2009
someone got an accident with this HJC and died today.
by: Anonymous

someone got an accident with this HJC and died today

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